Friday, October 12, 2012

Currently and a *Freebie!*

Today my plan is to not have a plan.

It is my last day in Orlando and I am going to soak up every. last. drop. of sunshine & happiness! You see, I need it to last me through the next few weeks until Thanksgiving Break when I'll have my toes in the water and booty in the sand once again.

By the way, no one ever told me teaching was so stressful! I was counting on you all! Holy moly it's a lot of work. :) 

Anyway, this break has been exactly what I needed. I have spent a lovely week with my mother and my grandmother laying by the pool and thinking about everything BUT school. (Well, except when I  am on here... and Google Reader... and Pinterest... and my email... ok maybe not.)

A couple of nights ago we went to Downtown Disney. Every time we come to Orlando (which is about once or twice a year), we have to take a day and check out Disney World and Downtown Disney. Since it's just the 3 of us this time, we decided not to go to Disney World, but we did manage to spend the evening at Downtown Disney and it was a BlAsT!

Where Dreams Come True...

This is made completely out of Legos! So cool!

(Sorry it's a little grainy...these were taken with my cell phone and the sun was beginning to go down.)
I'm a Mr. Potato Head kinda girl! :)

This was taken at our resort... the fountain and the lake is just so pretty I couldn't help myself.

 Alright on to the teacher stuff! I created this {Apple Themed} Even and Odd Numbers Activity as morning work a few weeks ago to give my 3rd graders a little more practice. The kiddos love it because they get to cut and glue, and it was also fun! If you want to grab this FREEBIE click {here}!

Now on to Currently over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade with Farley...

I noticed that there's a typo in the "wanting"...oh well.

This is my first Currently with Farley! I am so excited to be able to share and take part in such a great linky with so many inspiring and encouraging educators! Reading everyone's posts helps me realize I am not in this alone and how I feel, which is sometimes overwhelmed and exhausted 75% 90% of the time, is pretty normal! :)

Go link up!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Linky Party and a *Freebie*

One of my plans for fall break was to clean up some of the files on my MacBook and organize all of the documents into neat little files. I did this over the summer, (hey I even have a TpT file with mini-files of all of my products!) but once school started and I kept making new forms/activities... it's a big mess once again. I LOVE organizing and making things neat and tidy, but it seems like it's the first thing to go when I get busy during the week. I am lucky if I have enough energy to take a shower, slip on jammies, and kiss my sweetie goodnight. ughhhhhh

Question: How do YOU keep all of your files organized for TpT/ school on your laptop?

During my cleaning spree this morning, I found a form that I had planned to post and totally forgot about!

My Behavior Form Report is a version I used during student teaching in the spring. Now that I have my own classroom, I felt like I was lacking in my weekly parent communication, and I remembered that I used to send this home every week. It's quick and easy (helloooo it's just a check mark!) and parents like to hear about their child's weekly performance. You can use it in any way you wish, but I have been sending it home in our Monday Folder. If you want to check it out, click {here}!

Now for this awesome linky party being thrown by Leah at Learning 4 Keeps called "If You Can't Be Deep... Be Funny".

Sometimes, it's nice to take a break and have a laugh! Pinterest is GREAT for that!

The theme for this week is THAT IS SO ME! :)

Here are some funny posts I've ran across recently:


Oh Target... it's not just me then??

Really though...
I love fall, but this is true!
...maybe not with the beard though? :)
I could sleep for WEEKS!

Last but not least....
Oh Kate!
Now, get on over to Learning 4 Keeps and link up with Leah!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall Break and Teacher Organization Binder!

Hi friends!
     How is October treating everyone? October has to be one of my favorite months of the year. The breeze blows a little crisper, the leaves are a lot more colorful, and the festivities are so fun! This year I happen to be enjoying October a little more than usual, as I am enjoying the sights and sounds of Orlando, Florida! So yeah, I'm kinda missing out on all of my favorite Midwest fall festivities, but nothing compares to swimming, laying out, and listening to island music for a week after months of stressful fun school work!

The view from my balcony! Orlando, FL
With my Mom by the pool yesterday evening!

   While I have been floating around with an umbrella in my drink, I have also been working on a new Teacher Organization Binder that I made for myself several weeks ago. I was inspired by so many organizational binders that have been floating around TpT, Pinterest, and even my colleagues at work. I sort of combined the best of the best and even added in a few things I felt were important/useful too!

The result is an adorable Chevron Themed Teacher Organization Binder! It turned out so great that I think I am going to have to redo my personal binder at school (as soon as I get back to Indiana that is... haha). If you want to check out my Chevron Themed Teacher Organization Binder, click {here}.

How is everyone else planning to spend their Fall Break? Are you looking forward to your own fall festivities, spending time at home in your jammies and sleeping in til 8 am, or are you jet setting to a warmer location?
